Thursday, October 25, 2012

Red House

I pass this house every day on my drive to school. Every time I see it I feel like I need to take photos of it. Yesterday on my way home from school I drove past it, pulled over, pulled a U-turn, and parked in front of the house. There was a yellow rope going around the property at waste level as if no one was supposed to go inside. I ducked the rope, walked up to the porch and knocked on the door several times. When no one came to the door I took that as my green light. My Photo teacher Branden Allen says never ignore a prompting to take a photo. When you see something that works, go for it!


  1. These are dope show bro. Way to always be prepared to follow the promptings of the photo

  2. I love the red house pics Matt-you have a good eye!
