Graphic Design
A Tribute to 2 Years at UVU
The following is a collection of digital art I have done over the past few years for assignments, for personal projects, and just for fun. I've added them to the "digital" tab on this blog but I thought I'd feature them on the front page as well.
This post is a tribute to my last two and a half years studying graphic design at UVU. After two and a half years I've earned my associates degree in Art and Visual Communications and will be continuing my education next semester at Brigham Young University. I feel like I've learned a lot over the past few years and I want to take this opportunity to thank my Professors from UVU.
Shereen Bench, one of the best english teachers I've ever had. Howard Fulmer who was fun and taught me a lot about how to use Photoshop and Illustator. Coleen Bye "you know what it is!" probably the best math teacher who ever lived. Darron Gates for teaching me about ethics and philosophy. Patrick Wilkey for being super annoying and giving me bad grades but teaching me a lot. Courtney Davis, the most entertaining teacher I've ever seen(and teaching me everything there is to know about art history). Ruhul Kudus, for making biology not only bearable but hillarious. Mr. Mattheson- I can't remember his first name but his physics class called "ENERGY" inspired me to become a mechanical engineer. Jason Millworth for giving me good grades and being nice and allowing me to be creative with 3d design. Rand Smith for being an overall good example and helping me pump out some good work. Kent Wing for teaching me persistence and hard work; and a lot about Vietnam and Nicola Tesla and Steeve Martin and Bob Ross and Politics and Turtlenecks! Professor Hintz for making Physics interesting. Peter Mcchesney for teaching me about America and Politics in his awesome Australian accent. For Brandon Williams for Teaching me a little about photography. And for all of my amazing institute teachers that invited the spirit into my busy school schedule.
Dwight Howard: Superman
Wedding Invite Prototype
Study of the Asterisk
Temple Sealing Invitation
8 Bit Megaman Rendering
Typography:Image Interplay
Wedding Invitation Prototype 2
Typography as Texture
Wedding Invitation
Do It! (Matthew 28:19)
I love the "Share the Gospel" one!